Sunday 2 May 2010

Marie's Baby Shower!

Today we threw a suprise baby shower for our dear friend Marie to celebrate the iminante birth of her first baby! It was lovely as she really did not know it was going to happen! We played 'guess the girth' as a silly game to predict how many inches she is from her belly button all the way round. We had lots of lovely girly baby chat and then we opened presents!!
I gave marie a deluxe nappy cake that i made with a blanket, lowel, muslin, bib, booties, sock roses, soft toy and 30 nature babycare nappies.

She had some lovely gifts from all of the other people there and a very special gift from all of us. When i sent out the invites i also gave each person a square of fabric to do their own design on for Marie. I then put them all together into a gorgeous blanket for her to keep as a loving gift from all of her friends and family. Marie was really pleased with it so for all of you who hated doing your square, it was worth it!! ;-)

Marie and her lovely mum who was the host.
Sophie and Marie, all bumps together! Sophie is 5 weeks behind Marie with her second baby!

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