Friday 9 April 2010

If you go down to the woods today...

We have had an amazing afternoon at a  local woods with my friend from work and her children. It was such a beautiful day, too nice to go to the ball park as we originally planned, so we took a drive to a woods i have not been to since i was a child.
Emily is wearing her new baby sling that i made her this morning (more photos later) and they both have a bag to collect things to make into a picture tomorrow.
We found a stick house in one area, it looked just like Eeyore's house! even hooks to hang your bag!

Leaves are tricky things!

We had a picnic on a log!
Lucy loved being in her sling ad set me thinking that i really should wear her in it more often.

Once we were full we tried our hands at bark rubbing!
And this is how we finished our little woodland adventure! It truly was a lovely day, simple but lovely.

1 comment:

Joxy34 said...

Oh wow, what beautiful photos!