Sunday 29 April 2012

rain, rain go away, come again another day.

Lucy has spent all week, well the last two weeks really, singing this! It has not stopped raining here! Which is good for the land and the water levels. We need it down here in the south, what with the hose pipe ban and all. But not great if you want to get going on the garden or planting more seeds, or if you want to do anyhting outdoorsy!

Today was no different and was set to be wet all day. Or so we thought. Then like a burst of something heaven sent, this afternoon. the sun came out. and oh how it felt lovely on our skin.

I could not get the children in! they played all afternoon in the sun and even wanted to eat their tea out there!

 This little "Fire Girl" was cooking up something nice in the mud kitchen!
So I am now really hoping that the weather changes, just for a few days so i can get planting at school and at home in readiness for the summer!!!

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