Thursday 5 April 2012

Seed planting

So we have started planting our seeds in ernest. Isay that because i always feel like i am behind with planting seeds. However to justify that in my mind, i dont have a greenhouse this year really as the one at school got slightly melted (bonfire and perspect panels!) and i am waiting for it to be fixed. At home we only have room for a small plastic stand up one which i will get out this year if the mice have not eaten it!! Every year those blooming things!

So we have stasrted to plant a couple of things at home and today i know i really need to get my act together with the rest of it. Its very cold and chilly here and i just feel like curling up undoors today so maybe tomorrow!

I was given this lovley fairy set by my God son Oliver for my birthday recently and we planted it up together the other day. Emily was most excited that there might actually be faries coming to our garden and i am quite keen to keep this up so we may have to make a special fariy garden are for these plants to be potted on!

Happy spring one and all!

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