Monday 16 April 2012


Today i am feeling very virtuous!

We work up this morning to a new working week, trying to put the Easter holidays and all the fun that we had behind us to focus on the new task ahead! We woke up at 7am which for those of you who know my childs, this is very late.

However, and this is wher ethe virtuous part comes in, i had forseen this and was fully prepared for it. Before i went to bed last night I laid the table for breakfast, made the packed lunches ready for the morning, tidied the house and did the washing up, even put it away!! and got the clothes out for the girls and for me!!

This meant that when i got up we simply sat down for breakfast together, i then went for a showever while the children got dressed and we had time to have another snack before we set off in the car. All was calm and this was just what we needed on a day like today. It is mornings like this that i am proud to be a mum and feel suitably chuffed with the extra effort i put in last night.

I am also feeling virtuous because today i took delivery of an Able and Cole Organic fruit and veg box!! Oh Yes i am very excited about this! Such gorgeous produce in the box i cant wait to start cooking with it! It arrived before i had even got out of bed this morning and was in the garden ready for me to pop out and bring it in!! Oh yer now that is what i call shopping! As i have not ordered with them in a very long itme, they also sent me a bottle of organic red wine (this was to soften Ian up as i dont drink red wine and he is not keen on this "expensive way of shopping" xx) And they also sent me the Able and Cole cook book which has amazing recipies and tips in it! ooo yer!!! can you sense the excitement.
 I will let you know how i get on with the box...!!!!

I also decided last might that i really should be doing more during the day with Lucy. By this i mean making sure that she had the oppertunites that Emily did when i was at home with her and lucy on my maternity leave. So thought this week we would do plants and seeds and today she helped me plant some seeds. Cucumber, runner beads, dwarf beans and echinachea and cosmos now planted!

Bring on the Summer!!!


Lou said...

Please come an help me. I need someone to set out my clothes and breakfast things - sounds blissful! Maybe I will do that tonight. Reality for my first day back (today) was getting up at 5.30, quick shower, cook C's hot packed lunch, prepare PE bag, school bag, my bag, find clothes from as yet unpacked suitcase, dry hair whilst eating, get dressed and run out of the door at 6.35. Not a clam and peaceful start to the day :(
Well done virtuous mama - feel proud (and calm!!)

missking said...

Ha Lou You did make me lauhg when i read your comment! I know that feeling so well! The real test will be tomorrow when i have to go back to work properly. I dont think things will be so calm then!

Lorna said...

Sounds like a great start to the week ... I am already relishing the prospect of the weekend :-) xx