Sunday 10 April 2011


So being ruthless is the name of the game here at the moment! I am trying really hard to declutter as we simply have too much stuff. I am aiming for a simple, preferably wooden/natural house and i am starting in the girls bedroom. One room at a time - be realistic.

The girls are having a new carpet fitted on Friday and they both cant wait! "and we are going to have to take my bed apart and everything" Emily tells anyone who will listen. So i have been through parts of their room and cleared out a few bits, i will do the rest this week and then have a double think after the carpet is in and i put it all back. I will add photos when it is finished.

Today i did a boot fair with my friend Claire and all in all it went well, sold half of my stuff which was the main thing, and made £50! Cant be bad! I am definitely going to do another one soon. We have a ton of stuff in the loft to get rid of. I was just glad today that all these things went to other houses where they will be used again. What a lot of recycling!!!

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