Sunday 19 August 2012

Sunny Sunday

Well its a hot one!

This weekend has been "scorcio"and we have crammed it all in today. This morning i started the day with a rather hot Boot fair. Selling not buying. I sold half a boot/ back seat of things so i was pleased about that although by the time i decided to pack up, i was feeling a little dizzy in the heat!!

After a refreshingly cool shower we did some painting in the garden!

 Strangly enough this painting session was just what i needed to get me living in the moment more and worrying about housework etc less! I just sat with them and painted, encouraged and supported. Bliss!
Emily's duck!
Rainbow of course!

 Spurred on my this reconnection i decided that as the weather had thankfully cooled slightly we would take a drive to a beach. My friend told me about a beach she had been to recently that none of us have ever been to. Goodness knows why, as she explained, because it is beautiful and so simple, not commercialised.  So we thought we would go on a little adventure and see what happened. We were not disappointed, it was beautiful and we stayed there until late. I could have stayed later! I love the beach

The girls today are wearing dresses that i made them. Pillowcase dresses with a rainbow ribbon for the straps and as detail on the pocket. I was one proud mama watching my gorgeous babes simply playing on the sand with shells and crabs, wearing something so simple and looking beautiful!

Notice that word again - Simple.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

I've nominated you for a blog award! Have a look on my blog :-)