Tuesday 10 January 2012

Things i LOVE

So I am still feeling a little sorry for myself. Too much Work and not enough work life balance at the moment. So much so that i fell asleep on the sofa yesterday after lunch which just never happens.

Today all is quiet here, Lucy is at Preschool this morning and Emily is obviously at school, so just as i was about to sit down for a cup of tea i started thinking about the things that i have in my house that i love and cheer me up. First there is my new mug which i got in Sainsbury's yesterday for £1.50. Also, the Sarah Raven catalogue arrived in the post yesterday while i was snoozing. Spring catalogues always get my heart racing. i love gardening and i definatly think in my garden, flowers are the way to go this year. Vegetables did not go so great last year (another time element) and i would like it to look really pretty a place to relaxing. still some veg as it is so educational for the girls buy lots of pretty flowers...

Essentially i need a bigger garden to do what i want to do and although i have the school garden i do not have the time to do anything there!!!

aren't they beautiful though!

I have also bought recently this folder to help me be more organised with my bits of paper.... hmmm!

And for christmas from Ian's cousin i recieved this gorgeous cake stand which i love!

And finally, i managed to get this beautiful blanket for £3 from Dunelm and it is the exact colour i am hoping to decorate our living room, hall and stairs, perhaps with some floral chince touches! can't wait! new carpet too!
It might sound like we are spending a lot of money at the moment. believe me we are not! Ian's over time is ending and we are reining in the spending on food and other things we dont need!! Also expecting to inherit some money soon which will pay for the redecorations before we save the rest.

So yes we are being wise with our money, but a girl has to have some lovely things when she is struggling with other elements of her life!!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Time of promise this eh? Plans for the garden and the home ... I'm hoping to decorate our playroom that exact samish blue colour and I'm dreaming of a cake stand oh so similar (I may buy myself a couple of cheeky birthday presents of which this may be one as I plan many bright and sparkly fairy cakes!) Absolutely spoil yourself with thirfty loveliness my dear.

Much love X