Thursday 12 January 2012

that "grrrr" feeling.

So i had my observation today in maths. challenging bottom set, slow progress, need practical activities etc. the lesson was "graded" satisfactory and i am feeling very :( about it all. I just feel like this job is so awe consuming and you constantly judge yourself anyway on whether what you do is enough. Today i tipped the edge of "enough".  I am hoping i am going to feel a bit better tomorrow. Just really disappointed.

Amazing views out of the girls bedroom window this morning.

baked some delicious flapjacks from my favourite magazine, yesterday.

also made some squishy playdough, Lucy could not wait undil it cooled down completely!
Could not be doing too badly then? surely?


Lorna said...

I know how it feels - our work is so full of peaks and troughs isn't it? Keep yourself focused on the work/life balance (easier said than done sometimes I know!) Take care my lovely xx

Scented Sweetpeas said...

I bet you are a fantastic teacher. I really don't think it is right to set children against certain markers and then grade a teacher low because their children are human :-( Hope tomorrow is better for you x

Rose said...

cheer up buttercup, you are amazing. It's the rat race judging you on a set of 'standards' and as has been said ... how can thhere be a 'standard' for all chuildren regardless of who they are and what their motivations are. Go eat some delicious flapjack! Those pictures from the girls bedroom are amazing :) Much love x