Tuesday 23 October 2012

Natural History Museum

 Today we went to the Natural History Museum in London. We travelled on a train which as you can see from the photo above, was treat in itself!!
 Now i have been there before a few times. Once when I won £10,000 for our school in a competition with Woolworths. The prize giving was in one of the rooms in the Natural History Museum and we got to wander around afterwards. The money (which i am still incredibly proud of winning!) went to improve our playground and the "fun run" is still there including all of the parts that I helped to chose and design. Infact now my children play on it! Ha. funny how life pans out.
Anyway as i was saying, i have been there a few times but never fully appreciated the architecture of the building. Perhaps that is a 'getting older' thing but my goodness it is amazing! We qued to get in this morning and while we were outside I noticed all of the animals in the building itself. Amazing. Fish, Dinosaurs, bears, eagles. Just Stunning.

What struck me was that it was not only the imposing outside of the building that was so beautifully carved, But that every part of the building and the architecture was adorned in these amazing carvings. Every tower and column. It was just everywhere that i turned. Stunning. Weren't those victorians clever. we travelled to the museum on aVictorian train line, took a victorian tube to the museum. Incredible really.

 So we touched and explored almost all of the Museum.
 Stood in wonder at the size of some of the animals we saw....

 Admired the owls (Lucy loves owls!)...
 Tried to explain some quite complex ideas and facts to an interested little girl...
 saw the dinosaurs... got scared by the dinosaurs!...

But by far the thing that the girls loved the most was the Blue whale. In fact this is what prompted me to take them to the natural history museum. A few months ago Emily was reading a book about whales and i explained to her that a whale could be as big as a house. This was a lot to take in for a little one and has puzzled her for a while, even to the extent of asking other people if this were really true, was mummy fibbing! Today she saw the true extent of the wonder of mother nature. 'Wow' were the words on her lips.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

Just posted a comment but it seems to have vanished, so apologies if you get two!

Looks like a brilliant day out, have never been there. Agree about the architecture. Glad you had a lovely day.