Monday 12 September 2011

Emily's first day at school.

Well today was Emily's First day at BIG school.... and she loved it! She went  in fine and made a new friend called Poppy, she played on the springything, and drew me a beautiful rainbow.

Oh my did she look grown up. Although she was only there for the morning, she would not take her uniform off until we went to gymnastics this afternoon! She is in love with her flashing black school shoes. Which she cant wait to clean every sunday.

Mummy faired well too;) no time to think about it too much, as it was raining she just went straight in. I did however have a little cry in the car on the way home. Thats it now, every year will go past quicker than the last and before i know it, both my babies will be there. I did however try to make myself feel better by thinking, at least i have left her with my friends and i know she will be well looked after and nurtured. That makes me feel very reassured.

This drawer has been pulling at my heart strings for a few weeks now. Every time I close it, I think, "where did those 5 years go"

We had a sneaky treat in a well known fast food restaurant after school!

Oh and did i mention she is in Octopus class!!


Dawn said...

Oh she looks very sweet and very happy.
You are so right, the years will go by so quickly - I can't believe some days that my daughter has finished her first year and onto Year 1. Treasured days x

Lorna said...

She looks gorgeous in her uniform and very proud too! Glad she has had a lovely day and am sure she will continue to love it xx

Scented Sweetpeas said...

aahh she looks so sweet in her uniform - it is a big step isn't it :-( x

Miss Bliss said...

Beautiful pictures of your grown-up girl! xxx

Rose said...

It has gone far too quickly but don't wish the years away hun! Stretch that time into non-time, it will feel a little longer - linger a little longer. LOVE X