Tuesday 16 November 2010


My girls are growing up and developing before my eyes, without me even realises from day to day. Lucy is a real chatter box now. She copies everything her big sister does and repeats ever word you say. She came up to me earlier with a forlorn look on her face, pointing at a sheepish emily saying "she push"!!! oh dear emily your in trouble now she can talk! Amongst other words Lucy now says breakfast, drink, that, tea (she loves to finsh off my cup of tea), puzzle (of sorts), trousers, nappy, poo, pwooor (these two are linked!!), nana, nanny, grandad (of sorts) park, and this afternoon she did an amazing twit twooo when emily asked her what an owl says!

My other little baby, who is knocking on the door of four, is learning to read at the moment!! i  know i am going to sound like a pushy teacher mum but Emily is genuinely leading this one. She has known her initial letters for a year or more and now she is starting to say the sound properly and recognise what objects / things begin with. So i thought i would try and see if she could read a few words by sounding out and blending them back! not quite but she is really good at working out what the word might say and her memory is amazing.we have started using readingeggs which i found on another blog. it is not perfect in terms of phonics but she loves it. It tests where she is and then she plays games to learn the sounds and read words! She loves it!

so as we start to look at schools for my little baby i am noticing the passing of time. Where does it go? but how exciting is the journey?!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Lovely watching them grow isn't it and loving their own achievements. Well done Emily on the reading, my daughter learnt at just 4 - read odd words, signs etc before but then just read books - all on her own too, no pushing from us (so I know where you're coming from here). She's now amazing and challenging the teachers at school as her reading is above anything they've seen before.
Emily sounds similar - blending sounds, working out words and great memory. I'm sure her reading will go from strength to strength now, and if she loves it, she'll enjoy it.

I love little chatterboxes too! So much fun!