Saturday 30 October 2010

my pen friend came to stay

My pen friend from Birmingham came to stay for a few nights this half term holiday and it has been really lovely. We have kept in contact since we were about 15 and she has come to stay a few times in the past, when we were younger and i suppose that as time passed and we both got teaching jobs be became more busy. We still write, and we do write too, rarely emails, but mainly on birhtdays and christmas. So a long overdue visit was in order. From the moment she came we have got on really well and the girls have loved her coming too.I could not believe how truely alike i think we are. we have so much in common. we even look alike!

 On friday we spent most of the day at the zoo.
 We saw a rhino!!
 And mummys favourite, an elephant

 lots of very lazy tigers!
 lucy watching the mummy elephants with her babies

 Lucy loved seeing the animals and the freedom of walking around!
 And a really tiny baby elephant, must have only been a few weeks old as it was not even brave enough to come out, just poking its head around the door!
 Lucy was facinated by the plastic topary elephant!! ;0
 the trees are an amazing colour at the moment arent they. Beautiful yellows
 lots of cheeky monkeys looking out the window. we later foind out it was their feeding time and they were looking out for the zoo keeper!!

 In the evening we went to a lovely retaurant with some of my friends. they met lornas when she came down all those years ago. such a lovely evening
so all in all we had a really lovely few days. Lorna went back yesterday and we hope to repeat it all again some time soon.


Scented Sweetpeas said...

oh my word you look like sisters, how lovely to meet a person who you are so in tune with :-)

Lorna said...

What a lovely blog and I completely agree ... I had a fantastic visit and really can't wait to do it again! Who'd have thought that meeting on a holiday in the 90's we'd still be writing to each other in our 30s! xx

Becks said...

What a lovely tale of friendship.
Great photo's and happy memories made.