Sunday 15 August 2010

can making cakes make you cry?

Silly really but making this batch of cookies did make me cry. Recently i have been helping my dad, uncle and his wife to clear out my Grandads house and while we were going through the kitchen we came across some of  my nan's cooking things. My Nan was a great cook, she would make all of our birthday cakes, christmas cakes and simnel cakes at easter and i simply could not see her things go to a charity shop.

So yesterday, the next generation (Emily, she didnt ever meet Emily) helped me make cookies with her mixing bowl. It might sound funny bit it felt really right mixing with this bowl, sending me back to all those memories of her making in the kitchen. Like passing on the baton.

I even bought back an old baking tray, imagine how many delitious things were cooked on it!
This old mixer came home with me too. I distinctly remember her in the kitchen making angel delight for my grandad's sweet tooth and him moaning about the noise over the news he was trying to watch.

Look at the beautiful old dial! It works too! Must be 30 or 40 years old.

Now this is the part that got me upset. This tin is where my nan carefuly kept all of her cake decorating bits. Each bit was folded away in the paper bag that it was bought in. I really got the sense that she looked after all that she had. and the fact that she was the last one to touch them...
Anyway inside the tin was her piping bag and metal pipers (they just dont make them like this anymore do they)
And all these little decorations for the top of cakes. The train at the front i know was on my brothers 4th birthday cake and he is now 28!! the cricketer at the back is in the photo of my grandad on his 65th birthday. A cricket cake!
Memories and things i will treasure and keep. Makes me wonder if my children or grandchildren will feel the same about my stuff when i am gone!


Scented Sweetpeas said...

How lovely, I had one of those mixing bowls handed down through our family. Unfortunately it broke when the children opened a cupboard and it fell out :-( I still miss that bowl. Fab little treasures there and no wonder you were crying.

Joxy34 said...

Lovely :-)