Wednesday 2 November 2011

Operation Christmas Child

This week we have been collecting its together for Which is a great charity that send shoe boxes filled with love, toys, certain items of clothing and toiletries to countries where children are not as lucky as ours. Emily and Lucy have really loved this, they have enjoyed helping me choose items and sorting the boxes. And i think this is a great lesson for children to learn that at christmas there are lots of children across the world who are not as fortunate as us, and of course that it is good to give as well as recieve.
We have made 4 boxes this year, 2 of them are for a girl aged 2-4yrs and one is for a boy 5-9yrs

some of the things we included were, gloves, toothbrush and paste, teddy, play doctors kit in a bag i made, stickers, colouring pencils and pad, sweets and a rubber.

in this one i made a crochet little bag with string!
Emily took two into school on tuesday and i will be showing the other two to my class to try and enthuse them to make some at home with their parents.


Stella said...

This is just such a lovely idea, I think I will do one this year with my little girl, she is 2.5yrs old.


Stella said...

I just wanted to let you know that I took this idea into my work (I teach in a PRU) and many of the students were really on board with the concept. Thank you :)